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Institut tvůrčí fotografie Slezské univerzity v Opavě oslavuje pětadvacetiny výstavou v Galerii hl. města Prahy
PRAHA, OPAVA - Výstava s názvem „Čtvrtstoletí“ uspořádaná k pětadvacátým narozeninám Institutu tvůrčí fotografie Slezské univerzity v Opavě bude po celé léto k vidění v Domě fotografie Galerie hlavního města Prahy v Revoluční ulici č. 5 v Praze. Představí zde výběr z nejlepších fotografií současných studentů, čerstvých absolventů i vynikající práce autorů, kteří se po dokončení opavských studií prosadili v zahraničí. Obě podlaží Domu fotografie tak naplní zhruba dvě stovky působivých snímků od tvůrců začínajících i renomovaných, včetně fotografických hvězd jako je Dita Pepe, Lucia Nimcová, Rafał Milach, Andrej Balco, Tereza Vlčková, Roman Vondrouš, Tomáš Pospěch či Bára Prášilová. Výstava pořádaná Galerií hlavního města Prahy bude otevřena od 31. května do 18. září a je zároveň příspěvkem k založení celé Slezské univerzity v Opavě. Ta slaví tento rok už dvacet pět let od svého vzniku.
„Výstava Čtvrtstoletí je bilancí toho nejlepšího, co přinesly školní práce studentů Institutu v prvních pětadvaceti letech jeho působení,“ říká Vladimír Birgus, zakladatel a vedoucí ITF, který je spolu s Josefem Mouchou kurátorem expozice. „Vystavené snímky ukazuji i to, jak se dnes stírá kdysi nepřekonatelný rozdíl mezi takzvaným vysokým a nízkým uměním, jak mizí hranice mezi aranžovanou a dokumentární fotografií a jak se do popředí dostávají silná díla zachycující hluboce osobní výpovědi svých autorů. Pestrost výstavy je dána i tím, že žádný typ volných fotografií nedostává při studiu na ITF automaticky přednost – rozhoduje vždy jen kvalita a originalita,“ dodává Birgus.
Portrét současného světa
Rozmanitě pojatá díla se dotýkají témat, jako jsou pomíjivost, věčnost, intimita, tolerance i čas a smysl lidského života. Snímky dokumentární, stylizované, poetické, snivé či naopak tragikomické a ironické, pořízené na českém a polském venkově, v Rusku, Mongolsku, Spojených státech, ve zvláštních krajinách, rušných velkoměstech, soukromých bytech a mnoha dalších místech, se tak na výstavě skládají v jeden výsledný obraz. Jako se na jednotlivých vodních kapkách zrcadlí vždy i celé jejich okolí, přinášejí vystavené snímky velmi přesnou zprávu o podobě a stavu současného světa
To potvrzuje také řada mezinárodních ocenění, která někteří z autorů už za svou tvorbu posbírali. Patří k nim například Leica Oskar Barnack Award, Grand Prix New York Photography Festival, Grand Prix Fotofestiwal Łódź, vítězství v soutěži World Press Photo a další. Sedm studentů ITF vybralo Elysejské muzeum v Lausanne do dvou posledních ročníků putovní přehlídky mladých fotografů z celého světa reGeneration – Tomorrow’s Photographers Today.
Z pohledu kapříků a štik
Výstava Čtvrtstoletí ukazuje i to, jak se v jedné škole vzájemně ovlivňují pohledy mladších a starších studentů, kteří kvůli svému zaměstnání nemohou sedět denně v posluchárnách – i jim je totiž Institut díky možnosti kombinovaného studia otevřen. „Bývají to často takoví líní kapříci, kteří se ve škole dostanou mezi dravé mladé štiky a chtě nechtě se jim musí přizpůsobit. Mnoho z nich tu chytí druhý dech a najde nové impulzy pro svou tvorbu. A naopak čerství absolventi středních škol čerpají mnoho podnětů od zkušenějších kolegů,“ vysvětluje Vladimír Birgus.
Právě pod jeho vedením se z Institutu tvůrčí fotografie během pětadvaceti let stala katedra s komplexním programem a inspirativními pedagogy, k jakým patří třeba Jindřich Štreit, Pavel Mára, Václav Podestát, Dita Pepe, Josef Moucha, Jiří Siostrzonek a další. Studenty z různých konců světa sem láká i výtečné renomé školy, čemuž odpovídá vysoký počet uchazečů. Zájmu o studium na ITF napomáhá také podpora a „strategické“ umístění Slezské univerzity v Opavě: ta do slezského regionu láká talentované mladé lidi a je přitažlivým ostrovem vzdělanosti pro studenty jak z Čech, Moravy a Slezska, tak zejména z nedalekého Polska a Slovenska.
Výstava Čtvrtstoletí nabízí vedle fotografií také makety fotografických publikací, bakalářské, diplomové a disertační práce. Doprovází ji obsáhlý česko-anglický katalog a ozvučené projekce. Otevřena bude denně kromě pondělí od 10 do 18 hodin, ve čtvrtek až do 20 hodin. Plné vstupné je 120 Kč, snížené 60 Kč. Komentovaná prohlídka s kurátory výstavy Josefem Mouchou a Vladimírem Birgusem je 16. června v 18 hodin
Více na, a
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The Festival features 330 artists in 94 exhibitions, and 16 programs and
activities in 52 national and international venues, including individual
shows dedicated to Bernard Plossu, Lucia Moholy, Shirley Baker, Carlos
Saura, Juana Biarnés, Miroslav Tichý, Cristina de Middel, Linarejos
Moreno, Vivian Maier, Louise Dahl-Wolfe and Andrea Robbins & Max
The diverse visions of Europe are also represented by group shows
featuring the work of Anders Petersen, Antoine D´Agata, Thomas Ruff,
Juergen Teller, Anton Corbijn, Clare Strand, and Chris Steele-Perkins,
among others
New festival sites include Segovia and Murcia, along with Madrid, Alcalá de
Henares, Alcobendas, Lanzarote and Zaragoza
Castilla–La Mancha is the first autonomous community to participate in
PHotoEspaña in a unified manner, with Visions of La Mancha, a
photographic survey featuring shows by Caio Reisewitz, Montserrat Soto,
Jordi Bernadó, Ferdinando Scianna and John Davies, in commemoration of
the 4th Centenary of the death of Cervantes
PHotoEspaña’s European venues include museums and festivals in
Bratislava, Chalon Sur Saône, Dublin, Istanbul, Helsinki, London, Moscow,
Paris, Riga, Rotterdam and Warsaw
32 Madrid galleries are participating in the Festival Off, with projects by
Nanna Hänninen, Chloe Dewe Mathews, Basurama and Juan de Sande,
among others
Descubrimientos PHE is PHotoEspaña’s principal professional forum,
featuring 40 experts and 160 artists reviewing portfolios and presenting
workshops and seminars, at the Centro de Arte de Alcobendas just outside
PHotoEspaña takes to the streets of Madrid with activities for the public:
workshops for children and teens, contests, a photo marathon, round
tables and nighttime projections
Trasatlántica, the forum for photography and visual arts in Latin America,
presents portfolio reviews in Peru, Panama and Dakar, the latter city
PHotoEspaña’s first incursion into Africa
La Fábrica will publish the PHotoEspaña 2016 Guide as well as 7 books
and catalogues, focusing PHotoBook Week on the publication of
photography books
More Information at:
Twitter: @photoespana | Facebook: PHotoEspaña | Instagram: @photoespana
The 19th edition of PhotoEspaña, the international festival of photography and visual arts,
presents, from June 1st to August 28th, 94 exhibitions featuring the work of 330 artists and
an ample program of activities aimed at both professionals and the public at large. The
festival will take place in Madrid, Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Lanzarote, Zaragoza,
Murcia and Segovia, with the latter two joining the festival for the first time. The Official
Section will be completed by five projects at museums in five cities in Castilla-La Mancha:
Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Toledo, with shows created specifically
for these venues by five Spanish and international photographers to commemorate the 4th
centenary of the death of Cervantes. 52 museums, art centers and other spaces, as well as
32 galleries, are presenting projects for PHotoEspaña 2016, made possible through the
support, sponsorship and collaboration of 61 public and private organizations. Madrid’s City
Hall, the Community of Madrid and Spain’s Secretary of State for Culture are the three
major public pillars in the principal venues. The Fundación Banco Sabadell, ACCIONA, D.
O. Ribera del Duero and Adobe Stock join the Fundación ICO, Fundación Loewe,
Fundación Canal, Fundación Telefónica, Samsung, Mahou and El Corte Inglés in
supporting PHotoEspaña.
A Plurality of “Europes” in Pictures
PHotoEspaña 2016 closes a three-year cycle in which the Festival has focused on distinct
geographical areas. If in its 2014 and 2015 editions it looked at Spanish and Latin American
photography respectively, PHotoEspaña 2016 offers a vision of photography on the
European continent.
PHotoEspaña 2016 approaches this historical and oblique vision of Europe as a mosaic
that reveals both the plurality of identities and perceptions circulating throughout the
continent and the existence of a common feeling of belonging to a European territory and
culture; a changing, never homogenous Europe that presents the other side of the history of
photography on the continent, in solo and group shows curated by François Cheval and
Audrey Hoareau, Alexis Fabry and Maria Willis, Chema Conesa, Frits Giertsberg, Anne
Morin and Anna Douglas.
The Festival includes various group shows of a thematic and conceptual character, with
work by Spanish and international artists that express Europe’s plurality. The Círculo de
Bellas Artes presents Transitions. Ten Years that Altered Europe, a reflection on the
enormous social, political, economic and cultural changes occurring between 1979 and
1989, a decade that marked the present, through the work of some 30 artists. Conde Duque
offers To the Gates of Paradise! A Photo-Essay on Migrants, Nomads, Exiles,
Refugees, and the Stateless, a moving dialogue between photography and migrants that
juxtaposes current conditions with previous migratory movements. CentroCentro Cibeles
presents Portrait Photography in Europe since 1990, A survey of the evolution of
European portrait photography during the last 25 years, offering reflections on European
identity, culture and history. The Reina Sofía Museum joins PHotoEspaña 2016 with
Humanism and Subjectivity in Spanish Photography of the 50s and 60s. The Afal
Case. While the Sala de Arquerías of the Ministry of Public Works hosts Camera and
Model. The Photography of Architectural Models in Spain, 1925-1970, a tribute to scale
models and photography as major means of architectural expression.
Plossu, Moholy, Baker, Tichý, Saura, Biarnés, Dahl–Wolfe, De Middel, Moreno, Maier
and Robbins & Becher, among other protagonists of the Festival
PHE16 offers the opportunity to explore up close the work of major past and contemporary
European photographers who have never been shown in Madrid, or not as extensively. The
Royal Botanical Garden-CSIC presents shows by Bernard Plossu and Linarejos Moreno.
Plossu, PHotoEspaña 2013 Award winner, has chosen timeless images shot in Spain,
France, Italy, Greece and Turkey for The Immobile Hour, A Mediterranean Metaphysics.
In Tabularia: Laboratories of Science and Imagination, Linarejos Moreno explores the
limits between art and science, with large format works in various media. The Madrid native
is also presenting an installation at Tabacalera, Space for the Promotion of Art, in which he
reflects on places that have lost their original function.
The Círculo de Bellas Artes is showing one of the most influential fashion photographers of
the 20th century, Louise Dahl-Wolfe, who revolutionized the world of fashion photography,
in the first show dedicated to her outside the United States. The venue also features a
project by Federico Clavarino, The Castle, a reflection, at times poetic at others more
literal, on the elements essential for defining Europe.
The ICO Museum presents Displacements, from Andrea Robbins and Max Becher,
featuring their most acclaimed series from the past quarter century. At their gallery on the
Gran Vía, the Fundación Loewe is rescuing the work of one of the most important and little
known of the Bauhaus photographers, Lucia Moholy. The Fundación Telefónica pays
tribute to Inge Morath through the work of seven contemporary photographers in dialogue
with the Austrian artist in In the Footsteps of Inge Morath. Danube Prospects. The
Museo Cerralbo offers a faithful reflection of England in the 1950s with Women, Children
and Loitering Men, featuring both her best known photos and unpublished work. In
addition, The Museum of Romanticism presents the work of Miroslav Tichý, a
photographic artisan who created his own photographic materials.
The Centro Cultural de la Villa Fernán Gómez rediscovers the work of Juana Biarnés,
Spain’s first female photojournalist, as well as the exhibition Muchismo, an inventory
featuring recent work by Cristina de Middel, one of the most important contemporary
Spanish photographers.
The Prado Museum presents Copied by the Sun a unique opportunity to enjoy the
exceptional illustrated volume Annals of the Artists of Spain, a selection of milestones of
Spanish art history with images by Nicolaas Henneman and William Fox Talbot. The
Community of Madrid is showing a retrospective of the work of Paco Gómez in The Paco
Gómez Archive, featuring 400 images including original photos and magazines. Vivian
Maier, Street Photographer, at the Fundación Canal, is the first major show dedicated to
the unusual artist, offering a unique testimony of New York and Chicago during the second
half the 20th century. The Museo Lázaro Galdiano, in collaboration with the Polish Institute
of Culture and the Fundación Beç Zmiana, presents A-Z, Ilustrated Dictionary, in which
Andrzej Tobis draws on an illustrated German-Polish dictionary publish in Leipzig in 1954
to offer his particular vision, imbued with irony and humor. Calcografía Nacional (a
collection of copper-plate engravings), together with the Latvian National Museum of Art
and the Latvian Embassy, is showing Nagli. LV-4631, a project by Māris Maskalāns
featuring a deeply-felt portrayal of the rural inhabitants of his native Latvia. The Casa de
America is hosting Und Jetzt? (Now what?) by Cuban photographer José A. Figueroa,
photographic testimony of the gradual fall of the Berlin Wall, also symbolizing the collapse
of the system which built it; and in collaboration with ACCIONA, The Spanish Agency for
International Cooperation and Development-AECID, The Folio Club and Canson Infinity:
Intimate cartographies, an approach to interpersonal relations, a selection of portfolios
reviewed during Trasatlántica 2015 in Mexico City and Santiago, Chile. The Spanish
National Library, with help from Sago Packaging, will present The Best Photography
Books of the Year. The festival’s Official Section is completed by Coutures at the Museo
Nacional del Traje (Fashion Museum), featuring more than ten years of work by Joséphine
Douet, and Around the World in Twenty Years of Opera at the Teatro Real, a selection
of photos of places evoked in operas presented at the Royal Opera House during the past
20 years, part of the double celebration commemorating the theater’s founding 200 years
ago and its reopening after extensive renovations 20 years ago.
Off Festival: 32 Galleries at PHotoEspaña 2016
The Off Festival consists of a selection of shows organized by Madrid’s art galleries. 32
exhibitions featuring photography and video make up a section whose aim is to help
promote and develop the photography market. This section reflects PhotoEspaña’s
collaborative spirit, a collective venture featuring an ample variety of projects and exhibition
spaces. This year the Festival Off offers projects by Nagore Legarreta, Bigas Luna, Nanna
Hänninen, Daniel Mayrit, Miguel Rosón Riestra, Ouka Leele, Mónica Sánchez-Robles,
Chloe Dewe Mathews, Abraham Calero, Gerardo Vielba, Adolfo Patiño, Cristina de Middel,
Jesús Labandeira, Christian Voigt, Tete Álvarez, Joel-Peter Witkin, Basurama, Virginia
Rota, Linarejos Moreno, Boa Mistura, Juan de Sande, Valle Galera and Ignacio
Evangelista, among others.
Segovia, a new Festival site, joins Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas and Zaragoza
Segovia’s La Cárcel, Centro de Creación presents Spain, The 1950s, by Carlos Saura, a
chance to discover the acclaimed director’s still photography with a unique perspective on
1950s rural Spain, a show which inaugurates Segovia’s incorporation into the Festival.
The Alcalá de Henares City Hall, the German Embassy and the Goethe Foundation have
organized A Visual Memory of Life, a retrospective, by Jürgen Schadeberg, featuring
seventy-five years of his work portraying post-war Berlin, England in the 60s, and the
struggle against South African apartheid; at the Convent of Santa María la Rica, in Alcalá
de Henares.
Alcobendas is participating with seven exhibitions. Salvador Allende Boulevard is hosting
Paris, rien de plus by Alberto García-Alix, with photos taken in Paris in 2003. The Centro
de Arte Alcobendas is showing: Yannis Karpouzis, winner of the PHE 2015 Discoveries
Prize; Ricardo Cases with Dove on the Wing; Pierre Gonnord, winner of the 2015 City of
Alcobendas International Photography Award; Aleix Plademunt, PHE15 Revelation Award
with Almost There; and Nicolas Grospierre, who pays tribute to books with All Pales
Before the Book. In addition, Confines, at the Centro Cultural Anabel Segura, features the
work of nine artists who graduated from the 8th edition of the PhotoEspaña Master of
Photography at the PhotoEspaña International School in Alcobendas (PIC.A).
In Zaragoza, Daniel Blaufuks presents All the World’s Memory, Part 1 at the Centro de
Historias. In La Cripta, located in the same venue, is Pat Graham’s show Instrument, while
La Lonja offers Chema Conesa’s Paper Portraits, a gallery of renowned figures from
Spain’s transition to democracy in the 1970s to the present.
Castilla-La Mancha: five projects form part of Visions of La Mancha, commemorating
the 4th centenary of the death of Cervantes
Visions of La Mancha consists of five shows by national and international artists who have
photographed distinct aspects of La Mancha. The Brazilian Caio Reisevizt immersed
himself in the industrial and technological side of La Mancha for Innovation Today, at the
Museo de Albacete; in Primitive Data 5, Pinacoteca, Montserrat Soto discovers the work
of artists from La Mancha’s Golden Age in the collection of the Ciudad Real Museum-
Convent of La Merced; at the Cuenca Museum, Jordi Bernadó retraces the footsteps of
Don Quixote on his travels through La Mancha, capturing everything from statues to
farmhouse gates, pubs and antique stores from a humorous and ironic viewpoint; in The
City and its People, on display at Guadalajara’s Palacio del Infantado, the Italian
photographer Ferdinando Scianna offers a look at La Mancha’s people and architecture;
and lastly, British photographer John Davies presents a journey through the dramatic
landscapes of La Mancha in Landscapes of La Mancha at the Santa Cruz de Toledo
Guest venues in Madrid
In the Cruce Contemporaneo room of La Casa de Velázquez can be seen Photographs
From the Casa de Velázquez 2016, a group show by artists from the institution’s residency
program; FNAC Callao is showing the Uruguayan photographer Christian Rodriguez; the
Hotel Iberostar Las Letras Gran Vía is offering a group show from La Fábrica’s own
collection; Madrid’s Italian Institute of Culture is hosting a show by Gabriele Basilico
focusing on various Italian cities; Juan del Junco explores Europe’s current situation at the
National Museum of Natural Sciences; while the Real Sociedad Fotográfica presents
Dolcet’s Triple Vision.
Eleven European cities in the Official Section
International cultural cooperation has made possible the exhibitions at the Central
European House of Photography in Bratislava, featuring Vasil Stanko; the Musée
Nicéphore-Niépce, in Chalon Sur Saône, with L´oeil de l´expert; PhotoIreland, presenting
the installation Flâneur by Dublin in the streets of that city; the Istanbul Modern
Photography Gallery, with the group show Habitat; the Finish Museum of Photography,
showing the work of Alec Soth, a photojournalist with the Magnum agency; The
Photographers’ Gallery of London with Double Take: Drawing and Photography; The
Lumière Brothers Center for Photography in Moscow, where Sandro Miller is offering a
tribute to the photos which have influenced him throughout his career in the face of actor
John Malkovich; the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, with a show by
Marcel Gautherot; the Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga, presenting Tamed Nature,
Nature Motives in Fashion from the 18th Century to the Present; the Nederlands
Fotomuseum offering a retrospective of photographs capturing “the scene of the crime”;
and Warsaw’s Fundacja Bec Zmiana, with the show Summer in the City.
Professional activities during the Festival’s first week
Descubrimientos PHE is the forum for photography professionals presenting, between
May 30th and June 3rd, an extensive program of activities at the PIC.A PHotoEspaña
International School in Alcobendas. Descubrimientos PHE will offer two portfolio review
sessions, bringing together 160 national and international photographers and 40 specialists.
In addition, the program includes the workshops Campus PHE Creative Images with
Michael Atavar and Self-Publish, Be Happy with Bruno Ceschel and various professional
participants. Among participating specialists, whose collaboration is made possible by
Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), via its Program for the Internationalization of Spanish
Culture (PICE), are Gaston Deleau, Jean Chistophe Godet, Gonzalo Golpe, Ciara Hickey,
Oscar Alonso Molina, Dieter Neubert, Guillaume Chamahian, Lucy Conticello, Javier Díaz
Guardiola, Bohunka Koklesova, Fabiola López Durán, Tania Pardo, Marc Prüst and Simon
Roberts, among others. Also participating in the Descubrimientos PHE Week will be artists
awarded grants by the Ankaria Foundation, after having taken part in portfolio reviews
organized in Oporto. The Region of Murcia joins the Festival this year as a new official
site, with a program of portfolio reviews aimed at promoting and disseminating photography
in the region, to be celebrated in the Centro Párraga. Five photographers selected in this
review, organized by the Institute for Cultural Industries and the Arts, will participate in the
Descubrimientos PHotoEspaña program. Additionally, Caixaforum is hosting Encounters
PhotoEspaña: an Unexpected Mosaic. Singularities of European Photography,
organized by Bratislava’s Central European House of Photography. The encounters will
consider various aspects of European photography with the aim of tackling a series of
topics having to do with their common history.
Trasatlántica expands its network and arrives on the African continent
In 2008, PHotoEspaña launched Trasatlántica, a forum for photography and the visual arts
that has convoked photographers, researchers, and art critics and curators from Spain and
Latin America to participate in an ample program of activities including encounters,
publishing workshops, portfolio reviews, exhibitions and contests. At present, the forum has
organized activities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, the
United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, the Dominican Republic,
Uruguay and Venezuela. Trasatlántica PHotoEspaña continues in 2016 thanks to support
from the The Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development-AECID and
its network of Cultural Centers, presenting portfolio reviews in Peru as part of Lima Photo,
and Panama as part of Fotoseptiembre. In addition, Trasatlántica is now coming to the
African continent with a portfolio review in Dakar. Moreover, ACCIONA is renewing its
support in the sphere of culture by launching, for the first time, the Trasatlántica ACCIONA
Photography Award for “environment and sustainability.”
Photography for everyone
The 19th edition of PHotoEspaña has recaptured in a special way its plural and open
character with regard to the public. And, once again owing to support from both the public
and private sectors, PHE will inundate the streets of Madrid with photography and
encourage the public to become involved and take an interest in photography. The
PHotoEspaña Community of Madrid Forum is a physical as well as virtual space where
photographers and the public can make direct contact through shows and encounters
where they can “do,” “discuss,” “listen” and “live” photography. The Sala El Águila will play
host to four shows chosen in an open selection process; the gardens of the Sala Canal de
Isabel II will act as a forum in which photographers and collectives can enter into direct
dialogue with the public; in this same space, Madrid’s principal photography schools will
organize activities and workshops aimed at bringing photography closer to the interested
public; and lastly, eight photographers will take over PhotoEspaña’s Instagram page and
offer their ideas regarding Europe.
La Fundación Canal will host Saturday Workshops, where children can familiarize
themselves with the world of photography and the self-portrait with the figure of Vivian
Maier as a reference point. Also, the contest From Selfie to Self-Portrait: Long live self
portraits! will challenge lovers of selfies to put aside for a few minutes this popular practice
and recapture the magic and artistic value of the self-portrait. A unique opportunity for
people to explore not only their photographic creativity, but their literary creativity as well,
since each participant must accompany their pictures with a brief contextualizing story.
On June 24th, all lovers of photography are invited to the Samsung Galaxy S7 Nocturnal
PhotoMarathon, the Festival’s most popular event, now returning after two years and, for
the first time, to be celebrated at night. The challenge is to roam the streets of Madrid for
two hours and find the perfect subject for a photo according to the theme proposed by the
organization at the point of departure. Among the pictures they take, the PhotoMarathoners
must choose one and share it on the event’s hashtag. The night’s wandering will end in an
outdoor party in which participants can view their photos on a giant screen outside the
Cines Callao while they share them on Instagram.
At Night. PHotoEspaña Outdoor Projections - Fundación Banco Sabadell
Four visual artists are invited to create various pieces that will be projected at distinct points
throughout Madrid. Trees, the facades of buildings and other urban structures at some of
the most emblematic sites of the Festival and the city will be transformed into outdoor
exhibition spaces, offering the public, both invited and random, a dazzling gallery of images.
Julien Nonnon will present one of his urban safaris; Daniel Canogar will “assault” the
facade of the Conde Duque edifice; Javier Riera will take us inside his caves with their
deer; and Louise Mackenzie will combine installation, performance and projections at the
National Library.
PHotoEspaña 2016 has created two new online contests: Espíritu Ribera, organized with
D.O. Ribera de Duero, in which participants take a photographic journey through the
senses via the wines of this denomination of origin; and Curators in Adobe Stock, who
invite participants to establish connections between pictures from a photographic archive
belonging to Adobe Stock. And on June 30th a seminar led by an internationally known
professional will be offered regarding new tools for the treatment of images.
PHotoEspaña and the Fundación Telefónica, in collaboration with the British Journal of
Photography, will present Photography in Europe. In and Out, a program of projections
and talks about contemporary photography that will analyze currents in European
photography from the viewpoint of the photographers themselves.
PHotoEspaña 2016 will offer PHotoWalks, a participatory and didactic activity organized by
the Festival. In July, the photographer Julio César González will lead this photographic
walk through Alcalá de Henares, thanks to support from the city. In October, Miguel Ángel
Tornero will present a workshop on the Canary island of Lanzarote, with support from the
island’s local government, the Cabildo de Lanzarote.
From June 3rd to the 12th, La Fábrica will present PHotoBook Week. The event focuses on
photobooks, and gathers together artists, critics and editors. Among the participants are the
artists featured in the most recent books published by La Fábrica: : Laia Abril, Carlos Alba,
Cristina de Middel, Bernard Plossu, Jesús Labandeira and the collective BlankPaper, all of
whom will sign copies of their books.
In the scheduled encounters older and more recent publications by both Spanish and
international publishers, as well as acclaimed self-publishing projects, will be discussed.
The initiative includes a photobook fair with more than 100 self-published books for sale,
chosen through an open selection process, as well as the latest volumes from publishers
specializing in photography from throughout the world, including Mack, Pierre Von Kleist,
Xabier Barral, Steidl, Aperture, Thames & Hudson, Hatje Cantz, Damiani, Tate, Nazraeli
and Phaidon. In addition, the collectors Gabriela Cendoya and Yumi Goto will take part in
PhotoBook Week, each offering a talk in which they’ll discuss their favorite photobooks.
PhotoEspaña’s Books
La Fábrica publishes the PHotoEspaña 2016 Guide and seven catalogues and books to
accompany some of the Festival’s exhibitions: La hora inmóvil by Bernard Plossu; Louise
Dahl-Wolf: Con estilo propio; España años 50, by Carlos Saura; Black Cowboys;
Muchismo, by Cristina de Middel; Transiciones, diez años que trastornaron Europa; and
Cámara y modelo. Fotografía de maquetas de arquitectura en España. They can be
purchased in bookstores, at La Fábrica, and at the Festival’s authorized sales points, as
well as at
PHotoEspaña Awards
The Festival recognizes excellence in photography and awards the PHotoEspaña Prize: the
Bartolomé Ros Prize for the best Spanish professional career in photography; the Premio
Revelación, sponsored by El Corte Inglés; the PHE Descubrimientos Award, for the best
project of the portfolios reviewed; the PHE Award for the Best Photography Book of the
Year; the Prize for the best Festival Off show; and the People’s Choice Award, sponsored
by El País.
PHotoEspaña is made possible thanks to the support of the following public and private
organizations: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte / Comunidad de Madrid /
Ayuntamiento de Madrid / Ministerio de Fomento / Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de
Cooperación. Cooperación Española / Acción Cultural Española / Junta de Castilla la
Mancha / Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares / Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas /
Ayuntamiento de Segovia / Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza / Región de Murcia. ICA. Instituto de
las Industrias Culturales y de las Artes / Cabildo de Lanzarote. Centros de Arte Cultura y
Turismo / Fundación ICO / Fundación Loewe / Fundación Canal / Fundación Telefónica /
Samsung /Mahou / Fundación Banco Sabadell / Adobe Stock / D.O. Ribera del Duero /
Acciona / El Corte Inglés / Illy / El País / Hotel Iberostar las Letras Gran Vía / Fundación
Ankaria / Caixa Forum Madrid / The Folio Club / Canson Infinity / Sago Packaging / British
Journal of Photography / Turespaña / / Harper’s Bazaar / Clavoardiendo /
Canal 180 / Aesthetica / Instituto Polaco de Cultura / Reino de los Países Bajos / Embajada
de la República Federal de Alemania / Fundación Goethe / Embajada de la República de
Letonia / Istituto Italiano di Cultura / Embajada de Portugal / Instituto Camões / Casa de
Velázquez / Centro Checo / Goethe Institut Madrid / Embajada de Suiza / Embajada de
Noruega en La Habana / British Council / Bozar. Centre for Fine Arts Brussels / Museum of
Photography Thessaloniki / Le Pavillon Populaire de Montpellier / Live Riga / Hôtel des
PHotoEspaña 2016 Venues
Círculo de Bellas Artes / Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC / Museo ICO / CentroCentro Cibeles
de Cultural y Ciudadanía / Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa / Centro Cultural
Conde Duque / Sala Canal de Isabel II / Sala de Exposiciones El Águila / Espacio
Fundación Telefónica / Museo Nacional del Prado / Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina
Sofía / Museo del Romanticismo / Teatro Real / Museo Cerralbo / Tabacalera. Espacio
Promoción del Arte / Museo del Traje / Museo Lázaro Galdiano / Real Academia de Bellas
Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional / Casa de América / Biblioteca Nacional de
España / Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales / FNAC / Real Sociedad Fotográfica /
PIC.A Escuela Internacional Alcobendas PHotoEspaña / Centro de Arte Alcobendas /
Centro Cultural Anabel Segura / Centro de Historias / La Lonja / Museo de Albacete /
Museo de Ciudad Real / Museo de Cuenca / Palacio del Infantado / Museo de Santa Cruz /
La Cárcel. Segovia Centro de Creación / Centro Párraga / The Photographers’ Gallery /
Nederlands Fotomuseum / Musée Nicéphore Niépce / Maison Européenne de la
Photographie / Central European House of Photography / The Finnish Museum of
Photography / Latvian National Museum of Art / Fundación Bęc Zmiana / PhotoIreland /
Istanbul Modern Photography Gallery / The Lumière Brothers Center for Photography